Card: BAE31 Advertises: M. W.
Chase, School and Church Furniture Caption: Past /
Present Company: M. W.
Chase, Buffalo, N.Y. Categories: Before
and After, Business Issue: Custom Printer: Gies
& Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Entered according to Act of
Congress on the year 1875, by N. O. Tiffany, Buffalo, N.Y.
in the office of the Librarian of Congress at
Washington. Reverse: Advertises
the school & church furniture, and shows two
settees. Size: 5-1/4" x
3-1/16" Scarcity: Scarce Comment: Schoolmaster
in the Past punishes an unruly child sitting on a bench
while, in the Present, a student sits peacefully at his desk
from M. W. Chase. A paneled with & without